Sunday, June 10, 2012

Papillotes de chou pointu

 What the hell is that leafy thing? 

Exactly my thoughts as I started emptying my weekly vegetable box this Thursday! Let me introduce you oxheart cabbage (chou pointu for the frenchies here) ! In addition to its pretty shape and large outer leaves, I like the fact that the cabbage taste is not too strong. Of course the recipe works for round cabbages.
I went for a vegetarian filling, my fridge being quite empty after a week of travelling for work. I can imagine this stuffed cabbage being delicious with minced lamb meat, boulgour, cumin and raisins for a Magreb version. Or take it up further north with a shrimp, fennel and dill mixture.
[version française plus bas]

Stuffed oxheart cabbage - serves 2
1 oxheart cabbage (pointed head cabbage)
1/2 cup cooked rice
1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 TB olive oil
2 bay leaves
1 TB capers, rinsed
3 dried tomates, chopped
1/2 zucchini, diced
aromatic herbs, chopped (basil, parsley, chives, thyme..)
juice of 1/2 lemon
[1] Remove and discard the 2 outer leaves of the cabbage. Remove the next 6 large leaves and steam them 5-10 minutes. If you don't have a steamer, a big pot of salted water is fine. Cut the remaining cabbage in thin stripes.
[2] Heat the oil in a frying pan on medium heat, add the onion, garlic, bay and capers. Add the cabbage stripes. Cook for 5 minutes then add the tomato and zucchini and cook another 5 mintes. Add the rice, let warm through and add the herbs and lemon juice. Stir well, season with salt and pepper to taste. Remove the bay leaves.
[3] Stuff the steamed cabbage leaves with the rice mixture and roll them. If they don't hold on their own, fix wit hkitchen string. Steam the cabbage rolls 5-10 minutes in the steamer (or in the oven on an oiled baking sheet).

Papillotes de chou pointu - pour 2 personnes
1 chou pointu (chou nouveau)
1/2 tasse de riz cuit
1 oignon haché
1 gousse d'ail pressée
2 CS d'huile d'olive
2 feuilles de laurier
1 CS de câpres, rincées
3 tomates séchées, hachées
1/2 courgette, en dés
herbes aromatiques, hachées (basilic, persil, ciboulette, thym..)
jus d'1/2 citron
[1] Retirer et jeter les 2 feuilles extérieures du chou. Conserver les 6 grandes feuilles suivantes et les cuire 5-10 minutes dans le panier à vapeur (ou dans une grande casserole d'eau salée). Couper le reste du chou en fines lanières.
[2] Chauffer l'huile dans une poêle, y faire revenir l'oignon, l'ail, le laurier et les câpres. Ajouter le chou en lanières. Cuire environ 5 minutes puis ajouter les tomates séchées, les dés de courgette et faire revenir 5 minutes. Ajouter le riz, laisser réchauffer puis ajouter les herbes aromatiques et le jus de citron. Bien mélanger, saler et poivrer. Retirer les feuilles de laurier.
[3] Farcir les feuilles de chou du mélange de riz et les rouler en papillotes, éventuellement fixer avec une ficelle de cuisine. Cuire les papillotes 5-10 minutes dans le panier à vapeur (ou au four sur une plaque huilée).

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